That's all I can say. This has been the craziest two weeks I've had in who knows how long. We've made decisions, and then un-made those decisions, dreamed big, then dreamed smaller, and in the midst of a million things going on I'm trying to hang on for dear life :)
That's life, right?
I feel like I've gotten a crash course in how to "go with the flow and become a real adult" lately...all good things to learn, that's for sure!
So to stop rambling and tell you what I'm talking about here we go...
I started my new job.
Blake has been traveling back and forth working so hard-I'm so proud of him!
We put a contract on a house
Then we had second thoughts...
Then we said yes, let's get it!
Then we said wait, we're not ready...
And then we decided because we're young and want to enjoy these "young" years and have as much fun as we can before we REALLY settle down...we decided we weren't quite ready to be tied down to a house...and for that matter...a bigger house payment :)
So...I'm happy to say that I am so very thankful that we actually did have second thoughts, and were forced to take a good hard look at what we really wanted.
We're leaning towards just renting an apartment for the next year so we can both let our hearts settle down to a normal beat, and re-evaluate what we want at that point :)
So sorry to leave you hanging for so long, and even more sorry for this boring post! Don't worry...I have a bit more exciting one swimming around in my head...
Stay tuned :)